Wednesday, February 2, 2011

For a long time I've advocated, albeit in my own circle of friends, for a viable third party inside our nation's political system. The need for said third party has never been more urgent than it is now. This of course would not be in the best interest of the two major ruling parties we have now; but it would be in the best interest of the American people.

It seems more and more that there are two classes of people in this country; and here I would like to know what you think. Does it seem like to you that there are two classes of people in this country today; the American people, and those who govern us? It's as if they are so out of touch with normal American people that they hardly seem American to me. They're more like pure capitalists. As if that were a state itself, The Capital. (Get the wordplay on the capitol?)

I bring up one last question. If congress is in charge of regulating the rest of the country's industry, commerce, trade, finance, etc., who's in charge of regulating congress? Or at least holding congress accountable? We the people? So, is anybody doing it?! You say yes, every election cycle, we hold them accountable to us. I say nay, that is incorrect.

Oscillating back and forth between Republican and Democrat does not make an accountable congress with oversight by the American people. It makes for a seesaw, tug-o-war, you scratch my back I'll scratch yours, appearance of a democracy, that is in essence an oligarchy, does it not? Isn't that the definition of an oligarchy? Government by the few.

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